So..getting resently the age of...(pip).. I started to think why one wants to be in a relationship.
From an early age, we learn that being in a twosome partnership is the mission of our life. And yes, this is an appalling thought, if you wanna live in hell..I mean, really, who doesn't want to have someone that cares for you, who adores you, a person who think you're his world.
I mean think about this, to have a crush on someone, the tinkling feeling on your tummy..all that sounds just swell, doesn't it? does. Tha's why we spend so much time looking for "the love of our lives"..
But seriously, and i mean seriously, how long do those feelings last?
Well actually, I belive that quest would be answered differently by any1 of us. I belive those feelings mostly stay quite short..and deep inside, we all know that. And yes, I know what yu'll gonna say.."the real in love feelings comes right after..right..but what happens after that?, I mean after a really, really long time?
Being married with the same guy for really, really, really loooong time, I can say, I've been through every stage and feeling of a the relationship with my X, and....

To be



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